Selasa, 05 April 2011

I say "Tanjobi Omedeto" to my self

It's not an obvious thing, about my birthday,,
I won't ever hope to say happy birthday to me,,
but Im really happy when someone say it,,
I'm so grateful to Allah for all my happines, sadness, and my life,,
and I hope all of my dream can be comes true this year,, amiin :)
I just hope this little candle will always bright up my life, with all of my dream

 -Keep Justice to Get Freedom and don't forget GO GREEN-

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

TRACERT goes TRAVELING "Tour d' Malang"

Dan tiba-tiba ingin membuat ilustrasi ini untuk kegiatan besok,
foto album kenangan dengan tema TRACERT goes TRAVELING "Tour d' Malang"
nggak bisa dibilang bagus, tapi aku harap acara besok bisa berjalan dengan lancar,,
dan bisa menghasilkan foto kenangan unforgetable for my loving classmate, TRACERT

-Keep Justice to Get Freedom and don't forget GO GREEN-